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Salmonella MTAN Citations (2)

Originally described in: Characterizing DNA methyltransferases with an ultrasensitive luciferase-linked continuous assay.
Hemeon I, Gutierrez JA, Ho MC, Schramm VL Anal Chem. 2011 Jun 15;83(12):4996-5004. doi: 10.1021/ac200816m. Epub 2011 May 16.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing Salmonella MTAN

METTL18-mediated histidine methylation of RPL3 modulates translation elongation for proteostasis maintenance. Matsuura-Suzuki E, Shimazu T, Takahashi M, Kotoshiba K, Suzuki T, Kashiwagi K, Sohtome Y, Akakabe M, Sodeoka M, Dohmae N, Ito T, Shinkai Y, Iwasaki S. Elife. 2022 Jun 8;11. pii: 72780. doi: 10.7554/eLife.72780. PubMed
Histidine N1-position-specific methyltransferase CARNMT1 targets C3H zinc finger proteins and modulates RNA metabolism. Shimazu T, Yoshimoto R, Kotoshiba K, Suzuki T, Matoba S, Hirose M, Akakabe M, Sohtome Y, Sodeoka M, Ogura A, Dohmae N, Shinkai Y. Genes Dev. 2023 Aug 1;37(15-16):724-742. doi: 10.1101/gad.350755.123. Epub 2023 Aug 23. PubMed

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