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pFastbac1-GST-hUSP7 Citations (3)

Originally described in: Mechanism of USP7/HAUSP activation by its C-terminal ubiquitin-like domain and allosteric regulation by GMP-synthetase.
Faesen AC, Dirac AM, Shanmugham A, Ovaa H, Perrakis A, Sixma TK Mol Cell. 2011 Oct 7;44(1):147-59. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2011.06.034.
PubMed Journal

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Kinetic analysis of multistep USP7 mechanism shows critical role for target protein in activity. Kim RQ, Geurink PP, Mulder MPC, Fish A, Ekkebus R, El Oualid F, van Dijk WJ, van Dalen D, Ovaa H, van Ingen H, Sixma TK. Nat Commun. 2019 Jan 16;10(1):231. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-08231-5. PubMed
The Ubiquitin-Specific Protease Usp7, a Novel Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Large T-Antigen Interaction Partner, Modulates Viral DNA Replication. Czech-Sioli M, Siebels S, Radau S, Zahedi RP, Schmidt C, Dobner T, Grundhoff A, Fischer N. J Virol. 2020 Feb 14;94(5). pii: JVI.01638-19. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01638-19. Print 2020 Feb 14. PubMed
Structural insights into ADP-ribosylation of ubiquitin by Deltex family E3 ubiquitin ligases. Chatrin C, Gabrielsen M, Buetow L, Nakasone MA, Ahmed SF, Sumpton D, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Huang DT. Sci Adv. 2020 Sep 18;6(38). pii: 6/38/eabc0418. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abc0418. Print 2020 Sep. PubMed

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