5'UTR CGG 99x FMR1-EGFP Notes
Addgene Diagnostic Test
This gel depicts the NEB 1kb ladder and a digestion of the plasmid 63091 with the following enzymes: HindIII-HF and BamHI+HindIII
We expect the linearized plasmid to run at 4.7kb and the double digest to give bands of 3.1kb and 1.6kb. We see the expected results provided the middle band in the last lane is uncut.
Addgene Diagnostic Digest to verify insert- HindIII/XhoI
This gel depicts the NEB 100 bp ladder and a digestion of the plasmid 5'UTR CGG 99x FMR1-EGFP with the following enzymes: HindIII-HF and XhoI.
Expected Bands
HindIII-HF/ XhoI: 4218 bp & 470 bp
We observe the expected band for the insert (470bp) in this plasmid.