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pet28a-His6-Keap1 Citations (2)

Originally described in: Substoichiometric Hydroxynonenylation of a Single Protein Recapitulates Whole-Cell-Stimulated Antioxidant Response.
Parvez S, Fu Y, Li J, Long MJ, Lin H, Lee DK, Hu GS, Aye Y J Am Chem Soc. 2014 Dec 31.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pet28a-His6-Keap1

MCB-613 exploits a collateral sensitivity in drug resistant EGFR -mutant non-small cell lung cancer through covalent inhibition of KEAP1. Bassil CF, Anderson GR, Mayro B, Askin KN, Winter PS, Gruber S, Hall TM, Hoj JP, Cerda-Smith C, Hutchinson HM, Killarney ST, Singleton KR, Qin L, Jubien-Girard K, Favreau C, Martin AR, Robert G, Benhida R, Auberger P, Pendergast AM, Lonard DM, Puissant A, Wood KC. bioRxiv. 2023 Jan 19:2023.01.17.524094. doi: 10.1101/2023.01.17.524094. Preprint. PubMed
Piperlongumine conjugates induce targeted protein degradation. Pei J, Xiao Y, Liu X, Hu W, Sobh A, Yuan Y, Zhou S, Hua N, Mackintosh SG, Zhang X, Basso KB, Kamat M, Yang Q, Licht JD, Zheng G, Zhou D, Lv D. Cell Chem Biol. 2023 Feb 16;30(2):203-213.e17. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2023.01.004. Epub 2023 Feb 6. PubMed

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