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pGBKT7-GW Citations (6)

Originally described in: Arabidopsis homolog of the yeast TREX-2 mRNA export complex: components and anchoring nucleoporin.
Lu Q, Tang X, Tian G, Wang F, Liu K, Nguyen V, Kohalmi SE, Keller WA, Tsang EW, Harada JJ, Rothstein SJ, Cui Y Plant J. 2010 Jan;61(2):259-70. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2009.04048.x. Epub 2009 Oct 16.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pGBKT7-GW

Myosin II-interacting guanine nucleotide exchange factor promotes bleb retraction via stimulating cortex reassembly at the bleb membrane. Jiao M, Wu D, Wei Q. Mol Biol Cell. 2018 Mar 1;29(5):643-656. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E17-10-0579. Epub 2018 Jan 10. PubMed
Myofibril diameter is set by a finely tuned mechanism of protein oligomerization in Drosophila. Gonzalez-Morales N, Xiao YS, Schilling MA, Marescal O, Liao KA, Schock F. Elife. 2019 Nov 20;8. pii: 50496. doi: 10.7554/eLife.50496. PubMed
The Mediator CDK8-Cyclin C complex modulates Dpp signaling in Drosophila by stimulating Mad-dependent transcription. Li X, Liu M, Ren X, Loncle N, Wang Q, Hemba-Waduge RU, Yu SH, Boube M, Bourbon HG, Ni JQ, Ji JY. PLoS Genet. 2020 May 28;16(5):e1008832. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008832. eCollection 2020 May. PubMed
Unique N-Terminal Interactions Connect F-BOX STRESS INDUCED (FBS) Proteins to a WD40 Repeat-like Protein Pathway in Arabidopsis. Sepulveda-Garcia E, Fulton EC, Parlan EV, O'Connor LE, Fleming AA, Replogle AJ, Rocha-Sosa M, Gendron JM, Thines B. Plants (Basel). 2021 Oct 19;10(10). pii: plants10102228. doi: 10.3390/plants10102228. PubMed
cis-prenyltransferase 3 and alpha/beta-hydrolase are new determinants of dolichol accumulation in Arabidopsis. Gawarecka K, Siwinska J, Poznanski J, Onysk A, Surowiecki P, Sztompka K, Surmacz L, Ahn JH, Korte A, Swiezewska E, Ihnatowicz A. Plant Cell Environ. 2022 Feb;45(2):479-495. doi: 10.1111/pce.14223. Epub 2021 Nov 29. PubMed
Heinz-resistant tomato cultivars exhibit a lignin-based resistance to field dodder (Cuscuta campestris) parasitism. Jhu MY, Farhi M, Wang L, Philbrook RN, Belcher MS, Nakayama H, Zumstein KS, Rowland SD, Ron M, Shih PM, Sinha NR. Plant Physiol. 2022 May 3;189(1):129-151. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiac024. PubMed

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