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pARv-RFP Citations (6)

Originally described in: Efficient gene targeting of the Rosa26 locus in mouse zygotes using TALE nucleases.
Kasparek P, Krausova M, Haneckova R, Kriz V, Zbodakova O, Korinek V, Sedlacek R FEBS Lett. 2014 Sep 18. pii: S0014-5793(14)00689-9. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2014.09.014.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pARv-RFP

Wnt Effector TCF4 Is Dispensable for Wnt Signaling in Human Cancer Cells. Hrckulak D, Janeckova L, Lanikova L, Kriz V, Horazna M, Babosova O, Vojtechova M, Galuskova K, Sloncova E, Korinek V. Genes (Basel). 2018 Sep 1;9(9). pii: genes9090439. doi: 10.3390/genes9090439. PubMed
Splicing of long non-coding RNAs primarily depends on polypyrimidine tract and 5' splice-site sequences due to weak interactions with SR proteins. Krchnakova Z, Thakur PK, Krausova M, Bieberstein N, Haberman N, Muller-McNicoll M, Stanek D. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Jan 25;47(2):911-928. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky1147. PubMed
The arginine methyltransferase PRMT7 promotes extravasation of monocytes resulting in tissue injury in COPD. Gunes Gunsel G, Conlon TM, Jeridi A, Kim R, Ertuz Z, Lang NJ, Ansari M, Novikova M, Jiang D, Strunz M, Gaianova M, Hollauer C, Gabriel C, Angelidis I, Doll S, Pestoni JC, Edelmann SL, Kohlhepp MS, Guillot A, Bassler K, Van Eeckhoutte HP, Kayalar O, Konyalilar N, Kanashova T, Rodius S, Ballester-Lopez C, Genes Robles CM, Smirnova N, Rehberg M, Agarwal C, Krikki I, Piavaux B, Verleden SE, Vanaudenaerde B, Konigshoff M, Dittmar G, Bracke KR, Schultze JL, Watz H, Eickelberg O, Stoeger T, Burgstaller G, Tacke F, Heissmeyer V, Rinkevich Y, Bayram H, Schiller HB, Conrad M, Schneider R, Yildirim AO. Nat Commun. 2022 Mar 14;13(1):1303. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-28809-4. PubMed
A point mutation in human coilin prevents Cajal body formation. Basello DA, Matera AG, Stanek D. J Cell Sci. 2022 Apr 15;135(8). pii: 274900. doi: 10.1242/jcs.259587. Epub 2022 Apr 25. PubMed
TROP2 Represents a Negative Prognostic Factor in Colorectal Adenocarcinoma and Its Expression Is Associated with Features of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Invasiveness. Svec J, Stastna M, Janeckova L, Hrckulak D, Vojtechova M, Onhajzer J, Kriz V, Galuskova K, Sloncova E, Kubovciak J, Pfeiferova L, Hrudka J, Matej R, Waldauf P, Havluj L, Kolar M, Korinek V. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Aug 26;14(17):4137. doi: 10.3390/cancers14174137. PubMed
Retinitis pigmentosa-associated mutations in mouse Prpf8 cause misexpression of circRNAs and degeneration of cerebellar granule cells. Krausova M, Kreplova M, Banik P, Cvackova Z, Kubovciak J, Modrak M, Zudova D, Lindovsky J, Kubik-Zahorodna A, Palkova M, Kolar M, Prochazka J, Sedlacek R, Stanek D. Life Sci Alliance. 2023 Apr 5;6(6):e202201855. doi: 10.26508/lsa.202201855. Print 2023 Jun. PubMed

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