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pET-20b-T7-Ntx Citations (1)

Originally described in: Production in Escherichia coli, folding, purification and characterization of notexin with wild type sequence and with N-terminal and catalytic site mutations.
Simonato M, Morbiato L, Zorzi V, Caccin P, Fernandez J, Massimino ML, Polverino de Laureto P, Tonello F Toxicon. 2014 Jun 18. pii: S0041-0101(14)00171-8. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2014.06.009.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pET-20b-T7-Ntx

Enzymatic labelling of snake venom phospholipase A2 toxins. Spolaore B, Fernandez J, Lomonte B, Massimino ML, Tonello F. Toxicon. 2019 Dec;170:99-107. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2019.09.019. Epub 2019 Sep 26. PubMed

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