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pHRIG-Akt1 Citations (10)

Originally described in: Akt isoforms differentially protect against stroke-induced neuronal injury by regulating mTOR activities.
Xie R, Cheng M, Li M, Xiong X, Daadi M, Sapolsky RM, Zhao H J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2013 Dec;33(12):1875-85. doi: 10.1038/jcbfm.2013.132. Epub 2013 Aug 14.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pHRIG-Akt1

MYC Drives Pten/Trp53-Deficient Proliferation and Metastasis due to IL6 Secretion and AKT Suppression via PHLPP2. Nowak DG, Cho H, Herzka T, Watrud K, DeMarco DV, Wang VM, Senturk S, Fellmann C, Ding D, Beinortas T, Kleinman D, Chen M, Sordella R, Wilkinson JE, Castillo-Martin M, Cordon-Cardo C, Robinson BD, Trotman LC. Cancer Discov. 2015 Jun;5(6):636-51. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-14-1113. Epub 2015 Mar 31. PubMed
Transmembrane and Coiled-Coil Domain 1 Impairs the AKT Signaling Pathway in Urinary Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma: A Characterization of a Tumor Suppressor. Li CF, Wu WR, Chan TC, Wang YH, Chen LR, Wu WJ, Yeh BW, Liang SS, Shiue YL. Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Dec 15;23(24):7650-7663. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-0002. Epub 2017 Sep 29. PubMed
Inhibition of the formation of autophagosome but not autolysosome augments ABT-751-induced apoptosis in TP53-deficient Hep-3B cells. Wei RJ, Wu WR, Pan CT, Yu CY, Li CF, Chen LR, Liang SS, Shiue YL. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Jun;234(6):9551-9563. doi: 10.1002/jcp.27643. Epub 2018 Oct 26. PubMed
Tumor-intrinsic PIK3CA represses tumor immunogenecity in a model of pancreatic cancer. Sivaram N, McLaughlin PA, Han HV, Petrenko O, Jiang YP, Ballou LM, Pham K, Liu C, van der Velden AW, Lin RZ. J Clin Invest. 2019 May 21;130:3264-3276. doi: 10.1172/JCI123540. PubMed
Amplification-driven BCL6-suppressed cytostasis is mediated by transrepression of FOXO3 and post-translational modifications of FOXO3 in urinary bladder urothelial carcinoma. Wu WR, Lin JT, Pan CT, Chan TC, Liu CL, Wu WJ, Sheu JJ, Yeh BW, Huang SK, Jhung JY, Hsiao MS, Li CF, Shiue YL. Theranostics. 2020 Jan 1;10(2):707-724. doi: 10.7150/thno.39018. eCollection 2020. PubMed
Presynaptic APP levels and synaptic homeostasis are regulated by Akt phosphorylation of huntingtin. Bruyere J, Abada YS, Vitet H, Fontaine G, Deloulme JC, Ces A, Denarier E, Pernet-Gallay K, Andrieux A, Humbert S, Potier MC, Delatour B, Saudou F. Elife. 2020 May 26;9:e56371. doi: 10.7554/eLife.56371. PubMed
Deubiquitinase USP7-mediated MCL-1 up-regulation enhances Arsenic and Benzo(a)pyrene co-exposure-induced Cancer Stem Cell-like property and Tumorigenesis. Yang P, Xie J, Li Y, Lin HP, Fenske W, Clementino M, Jiang Y, Yang C, Wang Z. Theranostics. 2020 Jul 11;10(20):9050-9065. doi: 10.7150/thno.47897. eCollection 2020. PubMed
Anisomycin sensitizes non-small-cell lung cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents and epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor via suppressing PI3K/Akt/mTOR. Tan H, Hu B, Xie F, Zhu C, Cheng Z. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2020 Dec 18. doi: 10.1111/fcp.12641. PubMed
ABT-751 Induces Multiple Anticancer Effects in Urinary Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma-Derived Cells: Highlighting the Induction of Cytostasis through the Inhibition of SKP2 at Both Transcriptional and Post-Translational Levels. Dehghanian SZ, Pan CT, Lee JM, Shiue YL. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jan 19;22(2). pii: ijms22020945. doi: 10.3390/ijms22020945. PubMed
PTEN is both an activator and a substrate of chaperone-mediated autophagy. Zhang KK, Burns CM, Skinner ME, Lombard DB, Miller RA, Endicott SJ. J Cell Biol. 2023 Sep 4;222(9):e202208150. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202208150. Epub 2023 Jul 7. PubMed

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