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APCS-bio-His Citations (1)

Originally described in: A human platelet receptor protein microarray identifies FcepsilonR1alpha as an activating PEAR1 ligand.
Sun Y, Vandenbriele C, Kauskot A, Verhamme P, Hoylaerts MF, Wright GJ Mol Cell Proteomics. 2015 Feb 23. pii: mcp.M114.046946.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing APCS-bio-His

Proteomic profiling in cerebral amyloid angiopathy reveals an overlap with CADASIL highlighting accumulation of HTRA1 and its substrates. Zellner A, Muller SA, Lindner B, Beaufort N, Rozemuller AJM, Arzberger T, Gassen NC, Lichtenthaler SF, Kuster B, Haffner C, Dichgans M. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2022 Jan 24;10(1):6. doi: 10.1186/s40478-021-01303-6. PubMed

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