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pAAV-MCS2 Citations (5)

Originally described in: A new method for high-resolution imaging of Ku foci to decipher mechanisms of DNA double-strand break repair.
Britton S, Coates J, Jackson SP J Cell Biol. 2013 Jul 29.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pAAV-MCS2

A Role for Mitochondrial Translation in Promotion of Viability in K-Ras Mutant Cells. Martin TD, Cook DR, Choi MY, Li MZ, Haigis KM, Elledge SJ. Cell Rep. 2017 Jul 11;20(2):427-438. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.06.061. PubMed
Multimodal imaging approach to monitor browning of adipose tissue in vivo. Chan XHD, Balasundaram G, Attia ABE, Goggi JL, Ramasamy B, Han W, Olivo M, Sugii S. J Lipid Res. 2018 Jun;59(6):1071-1078. doi: 10.1194/jlr.D083410. Epub 2018 Apr 13. PubMed
Slowly folding surface extension in the prototypic avian hepatitis B virus capsid governs stability. Makbul C, Nassal M, Bottcher B. Elife. 2020 Aug 14;9. pii: 57277. doi: 10.7554/eLife.57277. PubMed
SQSTM1-mediated clearance of cytoplasmic mutant TARDBP/TDP-43 in the monkey brain. Yin P, Bai D, Deng F, Zhang C, Jia Q, Zhu L, Chen L, Li B, Guo X, Ye J, Tan Z, Wang L, Li S, Li XJ. Autophagy. 2022 Aug;18(8):1955-1968. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2021.2013653. Epub 2021 Dec 22. PubMed
Efficient simultaneous double DNA knock-in in murine embryonic stem cells by CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein-mediated circular plasmid targeting for generating gene-manipulated mice. Ozawa M, Taguchi J, Katsuma K, Ishikawa-Yamauchi Y, Kikuchi M, Sakamoto R, Yamada Y, Ikawa M. Sci Rep. 2022 Dec 13;12(1):21558. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-26107-z. PubMed

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