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HA WDR24 pRK5 Citations (4)

Originally described in: A Tumor suppressor complex with GAP activity for the Rag GTPases that signal amino acid sufficiency to mTORC1.
Bar-Peled L, Chantranupong L, Cherniack AD, Chen WW, Ottina KA, Grabiner BC, Spear ED, Carter SL, Meyerson M, Sabatini DM Science. 2013 May 31;340(6136):1100-6. doi: 10.1126/science.1232044.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing HA WDR24 pRK5

Sestrin2 inhibits mTORC1 through modulation of GATOR complexes. Kim JS, Ro SH, Kim M, Park HW, Semple IA, Park H, Cho US, Wang W, Guan KL, Karin M, Lee JH. Sci Rep. 2015 Mar 30;5:9502. doi: 10.1038/srep09502. PubMed
The GATOR2 Component Wdr24 Regulates TORC1 Activity and Lysosome Function. Cai W, Wei Y, Jarnik M, Reich J, Lilly MA. PLoS Genet. 2016 May 11;12(5):e1006036. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006036. eCollection 2016 May. PubMed
SZT2 dictates GATOR control of mTORC1 signalling. Peng M, Yin N, Li MO. Nature. 2017 Mar 16;543(7645):433-437. doi: 10.1038/nature21378. Epub 2017 Feb 15. PubMed
CDK5-PRMT1-WDR24 signaling cascade promotes mTORC1 signaling and tumor growth. Yin S, Liu L, Ball LE, Wang Y, Bedford MT, Duncan SA, Wang H, Gan W. Cell Rep. 2023 Apr 25;42(4):112316. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112316. Epub 2023 Mar 29. PubMed

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