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pCI-EGFP-NR2a wt Citations (5)

Originally described in: Subunit-specific NMDA receptor trafficking to synapses.
Barria A, Malinow R Neuron. 2002 Jul 18;35(2):345-53.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pCI-EGFP-NR2a wt

ANKS1B Gene Product AIDA-1 Controls Hippocampal Synaptic Transmission by Regulating GluN2B Subunit Localization. Tindi JO, Chavez AE, Cvejic S, Calvo-Ochoa E, Castillo PE, Jordan BA. J Neurosci. 2015 Jun 17;35(24):8986-96. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4029-14.2015. PubMed
Disruption of SHP1/NMDA receptor signaling in spinal cord dorsal horn alleviated inflammatory pain. Yang L, Bai HH, Zhang ZY, Liu JP, Suo ZW, Yang X, Hu XD. Neuropharmacology. 2018 Jul 15;137:104-113. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2018.04.029. Epub 2018 Apr 30. PubMed
Ubiquitination and functional modification of GluN2B subunit-containing NMDA receptors by Cbl-b in the spinal cord dorsal horn. Zhang ZY, Bai HH, Guo Z, Li HL, Diao XT, Zhang TY, Yao L, Ma JJ, Cao Z, Li YX, Bai X, Chen HK, Suo ZW, Yang X, Hu XD. Sci Signal. 2020 Jun 30;13(638):eaaw1519. doi: 10.1126/scisignal.aaw1519. PubMed
p140Cap regulates the composition and localization of the NMDAR complex in synaptic lipid rafts. Angelini C, Morellato A, Alfieri A, Pavinato L, Cravero T, Bianciotto OT, Salemme V, Natalini D, Centonze G, Raspanti A, Garofalo T, Valdembri D, Serini G, Marcantoni A, Becchetti A, Giustetto M, Turco E, Defilippi P. J Neurosci. 2022 Aug 10;42(38):7183-200. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1775-21.2022. PubMed
Visualizing the triheteromeric N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit composition. Beesley S, Gunjan A, Kumar SS. Front Synaptic Neurosci. 2023 May 24;15:1156777. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2023.1156777. eCollection 2023. PubMed

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