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pRK5-FLAG-HBXIP Citations (1)

Originally described in: Ragulator Is a GEF for the Rag GTPases that Signal Amino Acid Levels to mTORC1.
Bar-Peled L, Schweitzer LD, Zoncu R, Sabatini DM Cell. 2012 Sep 14;150(6):1196-208. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.07.032.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pRK5-FLAG-HBXIP

TLR-mediated aggresome-like induced structures comprise antimicrobial peptides and attenuate intracellular bacterial survival. Bhatnagar A, Chopra U, Raja S, Das KD, Mahalingam S, Chakravortty D, Srinivasula SM. Mol Biol Cell. 2024 Mar 1;35(3):ar34. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E23-09-0347. Epub 2024 Jan 3. PubMed

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