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pFRT/FLAG/HA-DEST PUM2 Citations (1)

Originally described in: Transcriptome-wide identification of RNA-binding protein and microRNA target sites by PAR-CLIP.
Hafner M, Landthaler M, Burger L, Khorshid M, Hausser J, Berninger P, Rothballer A, Ascano M Jr, Jungkamp AC, Munschauer M, Ulrich A, Wardle GS, Dewell S, Zavolan M, Tuschl T Cell. 2010 Apr 2;141(1):129-41.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pFRT/FLAG/HA-DEST PUM2

PIE-seq: identifying RNA-binding protein targets by dual RNA-deaminase editing and sequencing. Ruan X, Hu K, Zhang X. Nat Commun. 2023 Jun 6;14(1):3275. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-39054-8. PubMed

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