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pRS413-GAL1-yEGFP1 Citations (3)

Originally described in: pFA6-yEGFP1-HIS3MX6

Articles Citing pRS413-GAL1-yEGFP1

Construction of a cytosolic firefly luciferase reporter cassette for use in PCR-mediated gene deletion and fusion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ainsworth WB, Rome CM, Hjortso MA, Benton MG. Yeast. 2012 Dec;29(12):505-17. doi: 10.1002/yea.2931. Epub 2012 Nov 21. PubMed
Biosynthesis of 2-phenylethanol from glucose with genetically engineered Kluyveromyces marxianus. Kim TY, Lee SW, Oh MK. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2014 Jul-Aug;61-62:44-7. doi: 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2014.04.011. Epub 2014 Apr 27. PubMed
Design, Engineering, and Characterization of Prokaryotic Ligand-Binding Transcriptional Activators as Biosensors in Yeast. Ambri F, Snoek T, Skjoedt ML, Jensen MK, Keasling JD. Methods Mol Biol. 2018;1671:269-290. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7295-1_17. PubMed

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