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pBAD-LSSmOrange Citations (1)

Originally described in: An Orange Fluorescent Protein with a Large Stokes Shift for Single-Excitation Multicolor FCCS and FRET Imaging.
Shcherbakova DM, Hink MA, Joosen L, Gadella TW, Verkhusha VV J Am Chem Soc. 2012 Apr 24.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pBAD-LSSmOrange

RND Pump-Mediated Efflux of Amotosalen, a Compound Used in Pathogen Inactivation Technology to Enhance Safety of Blood Transfusion Products, May Compromise Its Gram-Negative Anti-Bacterial Activity. Green AB, Chiaraviglio L, Truelson KA, Zulauf KE, Cui M, Zhang Z, Ware MP, Flegel WA, Haspel RL, Yu EW, Kirby JE. mSphere. 2023 Apr 20;8(2):e0067322. doi: 10.1128/msphere.00673-22. Epub 2023 Feb 28. PubMed

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