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pWPXL-Sox4 Citations (5)

Originally described in: Slug and Sox9 cooperatively determine the mammary stem cell state.
Guo W, Keckesova Z, Donaher JL, Shibue T, Tischler V, Reinhardt F, Itzkovitz S, Noske A, Zurrer-Hardi U, Bell G, Tam WL, Mani SA, van Oudenaarden A, Weinberg RA Cell. 2012 Mar 2;148(5):1015-28.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pWPXL-Sox4

SOX4 interacts with EZH2 and HDAC3 to suppress microRNA-31 in invasive esophageal cancer cells. Koumangoye RB, Andl T, Taubenslag KJ, Zilberman ST, Taylor CJ, Loomans HA, Andl CD. Mol Cancer. 2015 Feb 3;14:24. doi: 10.1186/s12943-014-0284-y. PubMed
MicroRNA-129-5p modulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by targeting SIP1 and SOX4 during peritoneal dialysis. Xiao L, Zhou X, Liu F, Hu C, Zhu X, Luo Y, Wang M, Xu X, Yang S, Kanwar YS, Sun L. Lab Invest. 2015 Jul;95(7):817-32. doi: 10.1038/labinvest.2015.57. Epub 2015 May 11. PubMed
Novel Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Agonist Suppresses Migration and Invasion of Breast Cancer Cells. Hanieh H, Mohafez O, Hairul-Islam VI, Alzahrani A, Bani Ismail M, Thirugnanasambantham K. PLoS One. 2016 Dec 1;11(12):e0167650. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167650. eCollection 2016. PubMed
P53-miR-191-SOX4 regulatory loop affects apoptosis in breast cancer. Sharma S, Nagpal N, Ghosh PC, Kulshreshtha R. RNA. 2017 Aug;23(8):1237-1246. doi: 10.1261/rna.060657.117. Epub 2017 Apr 27. PubMed
SOX4-SMARCA4 complex promotes glycolysis-dependent TNBC cell growth through transcriptional regulation of Hexokinase 2. Khanna P, Mehta R, Mehta GA, Bhatt V, Guo JY, Gatza ML. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Sep 13:2023.09.10.557071. doi: 10.1101/2023.09.10.557071. PubMed

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