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pcDNA3/Myc-DNMT3B2 Citations (2)

Originally described in: Physical and functional interactions between the human DNMT3L protein and members of the de novo methyltransferase family.
Chen ZX, Mann JR, Hsieh CL, Riggs AD, Chedin F J Cell Biochem. 2005 Aug 1;95(5):902-17.
PubMed Journal

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DNMT3B PWWP mutations cause hypermethylation of heterochromatin. Taglini F, Kafetzopoulos I, Rolls W, Musialik KI, Lee HY, Zhang Y, Marenda M, Kerr L, Finan H, Rubio-Ramon C, Gautier P, Wapenaar H, Kumar D, Davidson-Smith H, Wills J, Murphy LC, Wheeler A, Wilson MD, Sproul D. EMBO Rep. 2024 Mar;25(3):1130-1155. doi: 10.1038/s44319-024-00061-5. Epub 2024 Jan 30. PubMed

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