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pCS2-bNWASP Citations (2)

Originally described in: Self-assembly of filopodia-like structures on supported lipid bilayers.
Lee K, Gallop JL, Rambani K, Kirschner MW Science. 2010 Sep 10;329(5997):1341-5.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pCS2-bNWASP

Cardiac BIN1 folds T-tubule membrane, controlling ion flux and limiting arrhythmia. Hong T, Yang H, Zhang SS, Cho HC, Kalashnikova M, Sun B, Zhang H, Bhargava A, Grabe M, Olgin J, Gorelik J, Marban E, Jan LY, Shaw RM. Nat Med. 2014 Jun;20(6):624-32. doi: 10.1038/nm.3543. Epub 2014 May 18. PubMed

Associated Plasmids

Filopodia-based Wnt transport during vertebrate tissue patterning. Stanganello E, Hagemann AI, Mattes B, Sinner C, Meyen D, Weber S, Schug A, Raz E, Scholpp S. Nat Commun. 2015 Jan 5;6:5846. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6846. PubMed

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