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HA-merlin Citations (1)

Originally described in: Inactivation of YAP oncoprotein by the Hippo pathway is involved in cell contact inhibition and tissue growth control.
Zhao B, Wei X, Li W, Udan RS, Yang Q, Kim J, Xie J, Ikenoue T, Yu J, Li L, Zheng P, Ye K, Chinnaiyan A, Halder G, Lai ZC, Guan KL Genes Dev. 2007 Nov 1. 21(21):2747-61.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing HA-merlin

A Rapid Induction Mechanism for Lin28a in Trophic Responses. Amen AM, Ruiz-Garzon CR, Shi J, Subramanian M, Pham DL, Meffert MK. Mol Cell. 2017 Feb 2;65(3):490-503.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2016.12.025. Epub 2017 Jan 26. PubMed

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