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Lenti GFP-AMOT p130 Citations (2)

Originally described in: Angiomotin is a novel Hippo pathway component that inhibits YAP oncoprotein.
Zhao B, Li L, Lu Q, Wang LH, Liu CY, Lei Q, Guan KL Genes Dev. 2011 Jan 1;25(1):51-63.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing Lenti GFP-AMOT p130

Atypical protein kinase C induces cell transformation by disrupting Hippo/Yap signaling. Archibald A, Al-Masri M, Liew-Spilger A, McCaffrey L. Mol Biol Cell. 2015 Oct 15;26(20):3578-95. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E15-05-0265. Epub 2015 Aug 12. PubMed
YAP1-Mediated Suppression of USP31 Enhances NFkappaB Activity to Promote Sarcomagenesis. Ye S, Lawlor MA, Rivera-Reyes A, Egolf S, Chor S, Pak K, Ciotti GE, Lee AC, Marino GE, Shah J, Niedzwicki D, Weber K, Park PMC, Alam MZ, Grazioli A, Haldar M, Xu M, Perry JA, Qi J, Eisinger-Mathason TSK. Cancer Res. 2018 May 15;78(10):2705-2720. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-4052. Epub 2018 Feb 28. PubMed

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