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HA-AMOT p130 Y242/287A Citations (2)

Originally described in: Angiomotin is a novel Hippo pathway component that inhibits YAP oncoprotein.
Zhao B, Li L, Lu Q, Wang LH, Liu CY, Lei Q, Guan KL Genes Dev. 2011 Jan 1;25(1):51-63.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing HA-AMOT p130 Y242/287A

Amot and Yap1 regulate neuronal dendritic tree complexity and locomotor coordination in mice. Rojek KO, Krzemien J, Dolezyczek H, Boguszewski PM, Kaczmarek L, Konopka W, Rylski M, Jaworski J, Holmgren L, Proszynski TJ. PLoS Biol. 2019 May 1;17(5):e3000253. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000253. eCollection 2019 May. PubMed
MAGI1 inhibits the AMOTL2/p38 stress pathway and prevents luminal breast tumorigenesis. Kantar D, Mur EB, Mancini M, Slaninova V, Salah YB, Costa L, Forest E, Lassus P, Geminard C, Boissiere-Michot F, Orsetti B, Theillet C, Colinge J, Benistant C, Maraver A, Heron-Milhavet L, Djiane A. Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 11;11(1):5752. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-85056-1. PubMed

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