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SAFB1-pcDNA3.1 Citations (1)

Originally described in: SAFB2, a new scaffold attachment factor homolog and estrogen receptor corepressor.
Townson SM, Dobrzycka KM, Lee AV, Air M, Deng W, Kang K, Jiang S, Kioka N, Michaelis K, Oesterreich S J Biol Chem. 2003 May 30;278(22):20059-68. Epub 2003 Mar 26.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing SAFB1-pcDNA3.1

SAFB regulates hippocampal stem cell fate by targeting Drosha to destabilize Nfib mRNA. Forcella P, Ifflander N, Rolando C, Balta EA, Lampada A, Giachino C, Mukhtar T, Bock T, Taylor V. Elife. 2024 May 9;13:e74940. doi: 10.7554/eLife.74940. PubMed

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