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pCDNA3.1-CIB1-Myc Citations (2)

Originally described in: The small GTPase Rac3 interacts with the integrin-binding protein CIB and promotes integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3)-mediated adhesion and spreading.
Haataja L, Kaartinen V, Groffen J, Heisterkamp N J Biol Chem. 2002 Mar 8;277(10):8321-8. Epub 2001 Dec 27.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pCDNA3.1-CIB1-Myc

Cytosolic interaction of type III human CD38 with CIB1 modulates cellular cyclic ADP-ribose levels. Liu J, Zhao YJ, Li WH, Hou YN, Li T, Zhao ZY, Fang C, Li SL, Lee HC. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Jul 18. pii: 1703718114. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1703718114. PubMed
Rac3 regulates breast cancer invasion and metastasis by controlling adhesion and matrix degradation. Donnelly SK, Cabrera R, Mao SPH, Christin JR, Wu B, Guo W, Bravo-Cordero JJ, Condeelis JS, Segall JE, Hodgson L. J Cell Biol. 2017 Dec 4;216(12):4331-4349. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201704048. Epub 2017 Oct 23. PubMed

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