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pCDNA3 5'cMyc-SMCl- S957A/S966A Citations (1)

Originally described in: Involvement of the cohesin protein, Smc1, in Atm-dependent and independent responses to DNA damage.
Kim ST, Xu B, Kastan MB Genes Dev. 2002 Mar 1;16(5):560-70.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pCDNA3 5'cMyc-SMCl- S957A/S966A

Advantages and limitations of a supernegative GFP in facilitating MyoD intracellular tracking. Boeri L, Jacchetti E, Soncini M, Negro A, Albani D, Raimondi MT. Methods Appl Fluoresc. 2020 Mar 13;8(2):025007. doi: 10.1088/2050-6120/ab797c. PubMed

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