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pEMS1229 Citations (1)

Originally described in: A regulatory toolbox of MiniPromoters to drive selective expression in the brain.
Portales-Casamar E, Swanson DJ, Liu L, de Leeuw CN, Banks KG, Ho Sui SJ, Fulton DL, Ali J, Amirabbasi M, Arenillas DJ, Babyak N, Black SF, Bonaguro RJ, Brauer E, Candido TR, Castellarin M, Chen J, Chen Y, Cheng JC, Chopra V, Docking TR, Dreolini L, D'Souza CA, Flynn EK, Glenn R, Hatakka K, Hearty TG, Imanian B, Jiang S, Khorasan-zadeh S, Komljenovic I, Laprise S, Liao NY, Lim JS, Lithwick S, Liu F, Liu J, Lu M, McConechy M, McLeod AJ, Milisavljevic M, Mis J, O'Connor K, Palma B, Palmquist DL, Schmouth JF, Swanson MI, Tam B, Ticoll A, Turner JL, Varhol R, Vermeulen J, Watkins RF, Wilson G, Wong BK, Wong SH, Wong TY, Yang GS, Ypsilanti AR, Jones SJ, Holt RA, Goldowitz D, Wasserman WW, Simpson EM Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Sep 21. 107(38):16589-94.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pEMS1229

Mapping protein interactions of sodium channel NaV1.7 using epitope-tagged gene-targeted mice. Kanellopoulos AH, Koenig J, Huang H, Pyrski M, Millet Q, Lolignier S, Morohashi T, Gossage SJ, Jay M, Linley JE, Baskozos G, Kessler BM, Cox JJ, Dolphin AC, Zufall F, Wood JN, Zhao J. EMBO J. 2018 Feb 1;37(3):427-445. doi: 10.15252/embj.201796692. Epub 2018 Jan 15. PubMed

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