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CLC-pmCherryC1 Citations (9)

Originally described in: A high precision survey of the molecular dynamics of Mammalian clathrin-mediated endocytosis.
Taylor MJ, Perrais D, Merrifield CJ PLoS Biol. 2011 Mar . 9(3):e1000604.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing CLC-pmCherryC1

A feedback loop between dynamin and actin recruitment during clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Taylor MJ, Lampe M, Merrifield CJ. PLoS Biol. 2012;10(4):e1001302. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001302. Epub 2012 Apr 10. PubMed
Afadin controls cadherin cluster stability using clathrin-independent mechanism. Indra I, Troyanovsky R, Troyanovsky SM. Tissue Barriers. 2014 Apr 3;2:e28687. doi: 10.4161/tisb.28687. eCollection 2014. PubMed
Integrin-beta3 clusters recruit clathrin-mediated endocytic machinery in the absence of traction force. Yu CH, Rafiq NB, Cao F, Zhou Y, Krishnasamy A, Biswas KH, Ravasio A, Chen Z, Wang YH, Kawauchi K, Jones GE, Sheetz MP. Nat Commun. 2015 Oct 28;6:8672. doi: 10.1038/ncomms9672. PubMed

Associated Plasmids

Proximity Labeling Reveals Molecular Determinants of FGFR4 Endosomal Transport. Haugsten EM, Sorensen V, Kunova Bosakova M, de Souza GA, Krejci P, Wiedlocha A, Wesche J. J Proteome Res. 2016 Oct 7;15(10):3841-3855. Epub 2016 Sep 26. PubMed
Podosome assembly is controlled by the GTPase ARF1 and its nucleotide exchange factor ARNO. Rafiq NB, Lieu ZZ, Jiang T, Yu CH, Matsudaira P, Jones GE, Bershadsky AD. J Cell Biol. 2017 Jan 2;216(1):181-197. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201605104. Epub 2016 Dec 22. PubMed
Cryo-EM of the dynamin polymer assembled on lipid membrane. Kong L, Sochacki KA, Wang H, Fang S, Canagarajah B, Kehr AD, Rice WJ, Strub MP, Taraska JW, Hinshaw JE. Nature. 2018 Aug;560(7717):258-262. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0378-6. Epub 2018 Aug 1. PubMed

Associated Plasmids

ArhGEF37 assists dynamin 2 during clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Viplav A, Saha T, Huertas J, Selenschik P, Ebrahimkutty MP, Grill D, Lehrich J, Hentschel A, Biasizzo M, Mengoni S, Ahrends R, Gerke V, Cojocaru V, Klingauf J, Galic M. J Cell Sci. 2019 May 8;132(9). pii: jcs.226530. doi: 10.1242/jcs.226530. PubMed
Brain-specific Drp1 regulates postsynaptic endocytosis and dendrite formation independently of mitochondrial division. Itoh K, Murata D, Kato T, Yamada T, Araki Y, Saito A, Adachi Y, Igarashi A, Li S, Pletnikov M, Huganir RL, Watanabe S, Kamiya A, Iijima M, Sesaki H. Elife. 2019 Oct 11;8. pii: 44739. doi: 10.7554/eLife.44739. PubMed
WASp triggers mechanosensitive actin patches to facilitate immune cell migration in dense tissues. Gaertner F, Reis-Rodrigues P, de Vries I, Hons M, Aguilera J, Riedl M, Leithner A, Tasciyan S, Kopf A, Merrin J, Zheden V, Kaufmann WA, Hauschild R, Sixt M. Dev Cell. 2022 Jan 10;57(1):47-62.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.11.024. Epub 2021 Dec 16. PubMed

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