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p3XFLAG-MKL2 Citations (3)

Originally described in: Megakaryoblastic leukemia-1/2, a transcriptional co-activator of serum response factor, is required for skeletal myogenic differentiation.
Selvaraj A, Prywes R J Biol Chem. 2003 Oct 24. 278(43):41977-87.
PubMed Journal

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Cytotoxic lymphocytes target characteristic biophysical vulnerabilities in cancer. Tello-Lafoz M, Srpan K, Sanchez EE, Hu J, Remsik J, Romin Y, Calo A, Hoen D, Bhanot U, Morris L, Boire A, Hsu KC, Massague J, Huse M, Er EE. Immunity. 2021 May 11;54(5):1037-1054.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.02.020. Epub 2021 Mar 22. PubMed
Regulation of the Muscarinic M3 Receptor by Myocardin-Related Transcription Factors. Liu L, Rippe C, Hansson O, Kryvokhyzha D, Fisher S, Ekman M, Sward K. Front Physiol. 2021 Sep 3;12:710968. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.710968. eCollection 2021. PubMed

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