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pcDNA3-ClopHensor Citations (7)

Originally described in: Simultaneous intracellular chloride and pH measurements using a GFP-based sensor.
Arosio D, Ricci F, Marchetti L, Gualdani R, Albertazzi L, Beltram F Nat Methods. 2010 Jul . 7(7):516-8.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pcDNA3-ClopHensor

Genetically encoded proton sensors reveal activity-dependent pH changes in neurons. Raimondo JV, Irkle A, Wefelmeyer W, Newey SE, Akerman CJ. Front Mol Neurosci. 2012 May 31;5:68. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2012.00068. eCollection 2012. PubMed
A genetically-encoded chloride and pH sensor for dissociating ion dynamics in the nervous system. Raimondo JV, Joyce B, Kay L, Schlagheck T, Newey SE, Srinivas S, Akerman CJ. Front Cell Neurosci. 2013 Nov 13;7:202. PubMed

Associated Plasmids

Synchronous Bioimaging of Intracellular pH and Chloride Based on LSS Fluorescent Protein. Paredes JM, Idilli AI, Mariotti L, Losi G, Arslanbaeva LR, Sato SS, Artoni P, Szczurkowska J, Cancedda L, Ratto GM, Carmignoto G, Arosio D. ACS Chem Biol. 2016 Jun 17;11(6):1652-60. doi: 10.1021/acschembio.6b00103. Epub 2016 Apr 7. PubMed
Tight Coupling of Astrocyte pH Dynamics to Epileptiform Activity Revealed by Genetically Encoded pH Sensors. Raimondo JV, Tomes H, Irkle A, Kay L, Kellaway L, Markram H, Millar RP, Akerman CJ. J Neurosci. 2016 Jun 29;36(26):7002-13. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0664-16.2016. PubMed
Na+ /H+ exchange via the Drosophila vesicular glutamate transporter mediates activity-induced acid efflux from presynaptic terminals. Rossano AJ, Kato A, Minard KI, Romero MF, Macleod GT. J Physiol. 2016 Sep 19. doi: 10.1113/JP273105. PubMed
Simultaneous expression of ClopHensor and SLC26A3 reveals the nature of endogenous oxalate transport in CHO cells. Wasiluk T, Roueinfar M, Hiryak K, Torsiello M, Miner A, Lee J, Venditto M, Terzaghi W, Lucent D, VanWert AL. Biol Open. 2019 Apr 1;8(4). pii: bio.041665. doi: 10.1242/bio.041665. PubMed
Identification of TMEM206 proteins as pore of PAORAC/ASOR acid-sensitive chloride channels. Ullrich F, Blin S, Lazarow K, Daubitz T, von Kries JP, Jentsch TJ. Elife. 2019 Jul 18;8. pii: 49187. doi: 10.7554/eLife.49187. PubMed

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