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pCMV E2F1 E132 Citations (2)

Originally described in: Heterodimerization of the transcription factors E2F-1 and DP-1 leads to cooperative trans-activation.
Helin K, Wu CL, Fattaey AR, Lees JA, Dynlacht BD, Ngwu C, Harlow E Genes Dev. 1993 Oct . 7(10):1850-61.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pCMV E2F1 E132

pRb/E2F-1-mediated caspase-dependent induction of Noxa amplifies the apoptotic effects of the Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibitor ABT-737. Bertin-Ciftci J, Barre B, Le Pen J, Maillet L, Couriaud C, Juin P, Braun F. Cell Death Differ. 2013 May;20(5):755-64. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2013.6. Epub 2013 Feb 22. PubMed
The Role of Crosstalk between AR3 and E2F1 in Drug Resistance in Prostate Cancer Cells. Xu J, Yang X, Deshmukh D, Chen H, Fang S, Qiu Y. Cells. 2020 Apr 28;9(5). pii: cells9051094. doi: 10.3390/cells9051094. PubMed

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