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mCherry-Parkin Citations (39)

Originally described in: Parkin is recruited selectively to impaired mitochondria and promotes their autophagy.
Narendra D, Tanaka A, Suen DF, Youle RJ J Cell Biol. 2008 Dec 1. 183(5):795-803.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing mCherry-Parkin

The hepatitis B virus X protein disrupts innate immunity by downregulating mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein. Wei C, Ni C, Song T, Liu Y, Yang X, Zheng Z, Jia Y, Yuan Y, Guan K, Xu Y, Cheng X, Zhang Y, Yang X, Wang Y, Wen C, Wu Q, Shi W, Zhong H. J Immunol. 2010 Jul 15;185(2):1158-68. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.0903874. Epub 2010 Jun 16. PubMed
Mesenchymal bone marrow stem cells within polyglycolic acid tube observed in vivo after six weeks enhance facial nerve regeneration. Costa HJ, Ferreira Bento R, Salomone R, Azzi-Nogueira D, Zanatta DB, Paulino Costa M, da Silva CF, Strauss BE, Haddad LA. Brain Res. 2013 May 13;1510:10-21. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2013.03.025. Epub 2013 Mar 28. PubMed
Bit-by-bit autophagic removal of parkin-labelled mitochondria. Yang JY, Yang WY. Nat Commun. 2013;4:2428. doi: 10.1038/ncomms3428. PubMed
Mitochondrial impairment increases FL-PINK1 levels by calcium-dependent gene expression. Gomez-Sanchez R, Gegg ME, Bravo-San Pedro JM, Niso-Santano M, Alvarez-Erviti L, Pizarro-Estrella E, Gutierrez-Martin Y, Alvarez-Barrientos A, Fuentes JM, Gonzalez-Polo RA, Schapira AH. Neurobiol Dis. 2014 Feb;62:426-40. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2013.10.021. Epub 2013 Oct 29. PubMed
Identification of the ubiquitin-like domain of midnolin as a new glucokinase interaction partner. Hofmeister-Brix A, Kollmann K, Langer S, Schultz J, Lenzen S, Baltrusch S. J Biol Chem. 2013 Dec 13;288(50):35824-39. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.526632. Epub 2013 Nov 1. PubMed
Hepatitis B virus disrupts mitochondrial dynamics: induces fission and mitophagy to attenuate apoptosis. Kim SJ, Khan M, Quan J, Till A, Subramani S, Siddiqui A. PLoS Pathog. 2013;9(12):e1003722. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003722. Epub 2013 Dec 5. PubMed
Activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system against arsenic trioxide cardiotoxicity involves ubiquitin ligase Parkin for mitochondrial homeostasis. Watanabe M, Funakoshi T, Unuma K, Aki T, Uemura K. Toxicology. 2014 Aug 1;322:43-50. doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2014.04.008. Epub 2014 May 4. PubMed
The diabetes susceptibility gene Clec16a regulates mitophagy. Soleimanpour SA, Gupta A, Bakay M, Ferrari AM, Groff DN, Fadista J, Spruce LA, Kushner JA, Groop L, Seeholzer SH, Kaufman BA, Hakonarson H, Stoffers DA. Cell. 2014 Jun 19;157(7):1577-90. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.05.016. PubMed
Intramitochondrial recruitment of endolysosomes mediates Smac degradation and constitutes a novel intrinsic apoptosis antagonizing function of XIAP E3 ligase. Hamacher-Brady A, Choe SC, Krijnse-Locker J, Brady NR. Cell Death Differ. 2014 Dec;21(12):1862-76. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2014.101. Epub 2014 Aug 1. PubMed
Short mitochondrial ARF triggers Parkin/PINK1-dependent mitophagy. Grenier K, Kontogiannea M, Fon EA. J Biol Chem. 2014 Oct 24;289(43):29519-30. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.607150. Epub 2014 Sep 12. PubMed
The kinase Jnk2 promotes stress-induced mitophagy by targeting the small mitochondrial form of the tumor suppressor ARF for degradation. Zhang Q, Kuang H, Chen C, Yan J, Do-Umehara HC, Liu XY, Dada L, Ridge KM, Chandel NS, Liu J. Nat Immunol. 2015 May;16(5):458-66. doi: 10.1038/ni.3130. Epub 2015 Mar 23. PubMed
Rapid parallel measurements of macroautophagy and mitophagy in mammalian cells using a single fluorescent biosensor. Sargsyan A, Cai J, Fandino LB, Labasky ME, Forostyan T, Colosimo LK, Thompson SJ, Graham TE. Sci Rep. 2015 Jul 28;5:12397. doi: 10.1038/srep12397. PubMed
Measuring Phospholipase D Enzymatic Activity Through Biochemical and Imaging Methods. Philip F, Ha EE, Seeliger MA, Frohman MA. Methods Enzymol. 2017;583:309-325. doi: 10.1016/bs.mie.2016.09.041. Epub 2016 Oct 22. PubMed
Automated Analysis of Fluorescence Colocalization: Application to Mitophagy. Sauvat A, Zhou H, Leduc M, Gomes-da-Silva LC, Bezu L, Muller K, Forveille S, Liu P, Zhao L, Kroemer G, Kepp O. Methods Enzymol. 2017;588:219-230. doi: 10.1016/bs.mie.2016.09.082. Epub 2016 Nov 23. PubMed
Observation of Parkin-Mediated Mitophagy in Pancreatic beta-Cells. Hoshino A, Matoba S. Methods Mol Biol. 2017 May 3. doi: 10.1007/7651_2017_39. PubMed
PARKIN overexpression in human mesenchymal stromal cells from Wharton's jelly suppresses 6-hydroxydopamine-induced apoptosis: Potential therapeutic strategy in Parkinson's disease. Bonilla-Porras AR, Arevalo-Arbelaez A, Alzate-Restrepo JF, Velez-Pardo C, Jimenez-Del-Rio M. Cytotherapy. 2018 Jan;20(1):45-61. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2017.09.011. Epub 2017 Nov 2. PubMed
Clec16a, Nrdp1, and USP8 Form a Ubiquitin-Dependent Tripartite Complex That Regulates beta-Cell Mitophagy. Pearson G, Chai B, Vozheiko T, Liu X, Kandarpa M, Piper RC, Soleimanpour SA. Diabetes. 2018 Feb;67(2):265-277. doi: 10.2337/db17-0321. Epub 2017 Nov 27. PubMed
Myosin VI-Dependent Actin Cages Encapsulate Parkin-Positive Damaged Mitochondria. Kruppa AJ, Kishi-Itakura C, Masters TA, Rorbach JE, Grice GL, Kendrick-Jones J, Nathan JA, Minczuk M, Buss F. Dev Cell. 2018 Feb 26;44(4):484-499.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.01.007. Epub 2018 Feb 1. PubMed
The deubiquitinase inhibitor b-AP15 induces strong proteotoxic stress and mitochondrial damage. Zhang X, Pellegrini P, Saei AA, Hillert EK, Mazurkiewicz M, Olofsson MH, Zubarev RA, D'Arcy P, Linder S. Biochem Pharmacol. 2018 Oct;156:291-301. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2018.08.039. Epub 2018 Aug 25. PubMed
Extracellular Collagen VI Has Prosurvival and Autophagy Instructive Properties in Mouse Fibroblasts. Castagnaro S, Chrisam M, Cescon M, Braghetta P, Grumati P, Bonaldo P. Front Physiol. 2018 Aug 17;9:1129. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01129. eCollection 2018. PubMed
RalA and RalB relocalization to depolarized mitochondria depends on clathrin-mediated endocytosis and facilitates TBK1 activation. Pollock SR, Schinlever AR, Rohani A, Kashatus JA, Kashatus DF. PLoS One. 2019 Apr 17;14(4):e0214764. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214764. eCollection 2019. PubMed
Chronic and age-dependent effects of the spongiform neurodegeneration-associated MGRN1 E3 ubiquitin ligase on mitochondrial homeostasis. Gunn TM, Silvius D, Lester A, Gibbs B. Mamm Genome. 2019 Jun;30(5-6):151-165. doi: 10.1007/s00335-019-09802-7. Epub 2019 May 14. PubMed
Somatic and germline mutations in the tumor suppressor gene PARK2 impair PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy in lung cancer cells. Zhang ZL, Wang NN, Ma QL, Chen Y, Yao L, Zhang L, Li QS, Shi MH, Wang HF, Ying Z. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2020 Jan;41(1):93-100. doi: 10.1038/s41401-019-0260-6. Epub 2019 Jul 8. PubMed
Precisely Control Mitochondria with Light to Manipulate Cell Fate Decision. Ernst P, Xu N, Qu J, Chen H, Goldberg MS, Darley-Usmar V, Zhang JJ, O'Rourke B, Liu X, Zhou L. Biophys J. 2019 Aug 20;117(4):631-645. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2019.06.038. Epub 2019 Jul 26. PubMed
Tumor susceptibility gene 101 ameliorates endotoxin-induced cardiac dysfunction by enhancing Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Essandoh K, Wang X, Huang W, Deng S, Gardner G, Mu X, Li Y, Kranias EG, Wang Y, Fan GC. J Biol Chem. 2019 Nov 29;294(48):18057-18068. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.008925. Epub 2019 Oct 16. PubMed
The lysosomal membrane protein LAMP-2 is dispensable for PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Liu X, Liao X, Rao X, Wang B, Zhang J, Xu G, Jiang X, Qin X, Chen C, Zou Z. FEBS Lett. 2020 Mar;594(5):823-840. doi: 10.1002/1873-3468.13663. Epub 2019 Nov 26. PubMed
BRCA1 Deficiency Impairs Mitophagy and Promotes Inflammasome Activation and Mammary Tumor Metastasis. Chen Q, Lei JH, Bao J, Wang H, Hao W, Li L, Peng C, Masuda T, Miao K, Xu J, Xu X, Deng CX. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2020 Feb 14;7(6):1903616. doi: 10.1002/advs.201903616. eCollection 2020 Mar. PubMed
NH-sulfoximine: A novel pharmacological inhibitor of the mitochondrial F1 Fo -ATPase, which suppresses viability of cancerous cells. Strobbe D, Pecorari R, Conte O, Minutolo A, Hendriks CMM, Wiezorek S, Faccenda D, Abeti R, Montesano C, Bolm C, Campanella M. Br J Pharmacol. 2021 Jan;178(2):298-311. doi: 10.1111/bph.15279. Epub 2020 Dec 14. PubMed
Cytosolic GPR37, but not GPR37L1, multimerization and its reversal by Parkin: A live cell imaging study. Li T, Oasa S, Ciruela F, Terenius L, Vukojevic V, Svenningsson P. FASEB J. 2021 Dec;35(12):e22055. doi: 10.1096/fj.202101213R. PubMed
PINK1/TAX1BP1-directed mitophagy attenuates vascular endothelial injury induced by copper oxide nanoparticles. Fan Y, Cheng Z, Mao L, Xu G, Li N, Zhang M, Weng P, Zheng L, Dong X, Hu S, Wang B, Qin X, Jiang X, Chen C, Zhang J, Zou Z. J Nanobiotechnology. 2022 Mar 19;20(1):149. doi: 10.1186/s12951-022-01338-4. PubMed
MAPK15 protects from oxidative stress-dependent cellular senescence by inducing the mitophagic process. Franci L, Tubita A, Bertolino FM, Palma A, Cannino G, Settembre C, Rasola A, Rovida E, Chiariello M. Aging Cell. 2022 Jul;21(7):e13620. doi: 10.1111/acel.13620. Epub 2022 Jun 1. PubMed
Reciprocal Regulation of Mitofusin 2-Mediated Mitophagy and Mitochondrial Fusion by Different PINK1 Phosphorylation Events. Li J, Dang X, Franco A, Dorn GW 2nd. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 May 12;10:868465. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.868465. eCollection 2022. PubMed
Optogenetic Studies of Mitochondria. Chen K, Ernst P, Liu XM, Zhou L. Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2501:311-324. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2329-9_15. PubMed
Novel protein complexes containing autophagy and UPS components regulate proteasome-dependent PARK2 recruitment onto mitochondria and PARK2-PARK6 activity during mitophagy. Kocaturk NM, Peker N, Eberhart K, Akkoc Y, Deveci G, Dengjel J, Gozuacik D. Cell Death Dis. 2022 Nov 10;13(11):947. doi: 10.1038/s41419-022-05339-x. PubMed
Deciphering functional roles and interplay between Beclin1 and Beclin2 in autophagosome formation and mitophagy. Quiles JM, Najor RH, Gonzalez E, Jeung M, Liang W, Burbach SM, Zumaya EA, Diao RY, Lampert MA, Gustafsson AB. Sci Signal. 2023 Jan 31;16(770):eabo4457. doi: 10.1126/scisignal.abo4457. Epub 2023 Jan 31. PubMed
The actin binding protein profilin 1 is critical for mitochondria function. Read TA, Cisterna BA, Skruber K, Ahmadieh S, Lindamood HL, Vitriol JA, Shi Y, Lefebvre AEYT, Black JB, Butler MT, Bear JE, Cherezova A, Ilatovskaya DV, Weintraub NL, Vitriol EA. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Sep 19:2023.08.07.552354. doi: 10.1101/2023.08.07.552354. PubMed
A PINK1 input threshold arises from positive feedback in the PINK1/Parkin mitophagy decision circuit. Waters CS, Angenent SB, Altschuler SJ, Wu LF. Cell Rep. 2023 Oct 31;42(10):113260. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113260. Epub 2023 Oct 17. PubMed

Associated Plasmids

Impaired mitochondrial morphological plasticity and failure of mitophagy associated with the G11778A mutation of LHON. Pasqualotto BA, Nelson A, Deheshi S, Sheldon CA, Vogl AW, Rintoul GL. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2024 Aug 20;721:150119. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2024.150119. Epub 2024 May 14. PubMed
TBK1 is ubiquitinated by TRIM5alpha to assemble mitophagy machinery. Saha B, Olsvik H, Williams GL, Oh S, Evjen G, Sjottem E, Mandell MA. Cell Rep. 2024 Jun 25;43(6):114294. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114294. Epub 2024 May 29. PubMed

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