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RSV CREB M1 Citations (2)

Originally described in: Cyclic AMP stimulates somatostatin gene transcription by phosphorylation of CREB at serine 133.
Gonzalez GA, Montminy MR Cell. 1989 Nov 17. 59(4):675-80.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing RSV CREB M1

Diet-induced obesity causes long QT and reduces transcription of voltage-gated potassium channels. Huang H, Amin V, Gurin M, Wan E, Thorp E, Homma S, Morrow JP. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2013 Jun;59:151-8. doi: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2013.03.007. Epub 2013 Mar 19. PubMed
Hypoxia and the hypoxia inducible factor 1alpha activate protein kinase A by repressing RII beta subunit transcription. Lucia K, Wu Y, Garcia JM, Barlier A, Buchfelder M, Saeger W, Renner U, Stalla GK, Theodoropoulou M. Oncogene. 2020 Apr;39(16):3367-3380. doi: 10.1038/s41388-020-1223-6. Epub 2020 Feb 28. PubMed

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