PurposeSynchronize the trafficking of CCR1 from the ER.
Depositing Lab
Sequence Information
Item | Catalog # | Description | Quantity | Price (USD) | |
Plasmid | 222311 | Standard format: Plasmid sent in bacteria as agar stab | 1 | $85 |
Vector backbonepIRES-neo3
Vector typeMammalian Expression
Growth in Bacteria
Bacterial Resistance(s)Ampicillin, 100 μg/mL
Growth Temperature37°C
Growth Strain(s)DH5alpha
Copy numberHigh Copy
Gene/Insert nameStreptavidin-KDEL and CCR1 fused to SBP-mCherry
Alt nameCCR1
SpeciesH. sapiens (human)
Entrez GeneCCR1 (a.k.a. CD191, CKR-1, CKR1, CMKBR1, HM145, MIP1aR, SCYAR1)
- Promoter CMV
Cloning Information
- Cloning method Restriction Enzyme
- 5′ cloning site Unknown (unknown if destroyed)
Terms and Licenses
Academic/Nonprofit Terms
Industry Terms
- Not Available to Industry
- Zeocin® is an InvivoGen trademark.
These plasmids were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the plasmids were described, and include Addgene in the Materials and Methods of your future publications.
For your Materials & Methods section:
Str-KDEL_SBP-mCherry-CCR1 was a gift from Franck Perez (Addgene plasmid # 222311 ; ; RRID:Addgene_222311) -
For your References section:
Targeting CCR5 trafficking to inhibit HIV-1 infection. Boncompain G, Herit F, Tessier S, Lescure A, Del Nery E, Gestraud P, Staropoli I, Fukata Y, Fukata M, Brelot A, Niedergang F, Perez F. Sci Adv. 2019 Oct 16;5(10):eaax0821. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aax0821. eCollection 2019 Oct. 10.1126/sciadv.aax0821 PubMed 31663020