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pcDNA3-myc-Ataxin3Q84 Citations (2)

Originally described in: Analysis of the role of heat shock protein (Hsp) molecular chaperones in polyglutamine disease.
Chai Y, Koppenhafer SL, Bonini NM, Paulson HL J Neurosci. 1999 Dec 1. 19(23):10338-47.

Articles Citing pcDNA3-myc-Ataxin3Q84

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Spermidine treatment: induction of autophagy but also apoptosis? Watchon M, Wright AL, Ahel HI, Robinson KJ, Plenderleith SK, Kuriakose A, Yuan KC, Laird AS. Mol Brain. 2024 Mar 5;17(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s13041-024-01085-7. PubMed

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