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psiCHECK2-let-7 8x Citations (5)

Originally described in: Drosophila Argonaute1 and Argonaute2 Employ Distinct Mechanisms for Translational Repression.
Iwasaki S, Kawamata T, Tomari Y Mol Cell. 2009 Mar 4. ():.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing psiCHECK2-let-7 8x

Multiple mechanisms disrupt the let-7 microRNA family in neuroblastoma. Powers JT, Tsanov KM, Pearson DS, Roels F, Spina CS, Ebright R, Seligson M, de Soysa Y, Cahan P, Theissen J, Tu HC, Han A, Kurek KC, LaPier GS, Osborne JK, Ross SJ, Cesana M, Collins JJ, Berthold F, Daley GQ. Nature. 2016 Jul 14;535(7611):246-51. doi: 10.1038/nature18632. PubMed
Small-Molecule Inhibitors Disrupt let-7 Oligouridylation and Release the Selective Blockade of let-7 Processing by LIN28. Wang L, Rowe RG, Jaimes A, Yu C, Nam Y, Pearson DS, Zhang J, Xie X, Marion W, Heffron GJ, Daley GQ, Sliz P. Cell Rep. 2018 Jun 5;23(10):3091-3101. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.04.116. PubMed
Contribution of the Long Noncoding RNA H19 to beta-Cell Mass Expansion in Neonatal and Adult Rodents. Sanchez-Parra C, Jacovetti C, Dumortier O, Lee K, Peyot ML, Guay C, Prentki M, Laybutt DR, Van Obberghen E, Regazzi R. Diabetes. 2018 Nov;67(11):2254-2267. doi: 10.2337/db18-0201. Epub 2018 Aug 16. PubMed
The RNA-binding protein LIN28 controls progenitor and neuronal cell fate during postnatal neurogenesis. Romer-Seibert JS, Hartman NW, Moss EG. FASEB J. 2019 Mar;33(3):3291-3303. doi: 10.1096/fj.201801118R. Epub 2018 Nov 13. PubMed
Inhibition of microRNA-33b specifically ameliorates abdominal aortic aneurysm formation via suppression of inflammatory pathways. Yamasaki T, Horie T, Koyama S, Nakao T, Baba O, Kimura M, Sowa N, Sakamoto K, Yamazaki K, Obika S, Kasahara Y, Kotera J, Oka K, Fujita R, Sasaki T, Takemiya A, Hasegawa K, Minatoya K, Kimura T, Ono K. Sci Rep. 2022 Jul 14;12(1):11984. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-16017-5. PubMed

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