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pWZL Neo Myr Flag GRK5 Citations (1)

Originally described in: Integrative Genomic Approaches Identify IKBKE as a Breast Cancer Oncogene (Kinase Library Clones)
Boehm JS, Zhao JJ, Yao J, Kim SY, Firestein R, Dunn IF, Sjostrom SK, Garraway LA, Weremowicz S, Richardson AL, Greulich H, Stewart CJ, Mulvey LA, Shen RR, Ambrogio L, Hirozane-Kishikawa T, Hill DE, Vidal M, Meyerson M, Grenier JK, Hinkle G, Root DE, Roberts TM, Lander ES, Polyak K, Hahn WC Cell. 2007 Jun 15. 129(6):1065-1079.
PubMed Journal

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The nonselective cation channel TRPV4 inhibits angiotensin II receptors. Zaccor NW, Sumner CJ, Snyder SH. J Biol Chem. 2020 Jul 17;295(29):9986-9997. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.014325. Epub 2020 Jun 3. PubMed

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