pHMattR3-attR4-GFP Notes
Addgene Diagnostic Digest
This gel depicts the NEB 1kb Extend Ladder and a digestion of the plasmid pHMattR3-attR4-GFP with the following enzymes: NdeI, XbaI
Expected bands:
For Nde I, three bands at 14.2 + 1.7 + 0.4 kb
For XbaI, three bands at 12.2 + 3.2 + 0.9 kb
For NdeI, we observe two bands at ~14kb and ~1.7kb, PLUS a faint band ~2.8kb.
For Xbal, we observe three bands at ~12kb, ~3 kb, and ~0.9kb PLUS a faint band at ~2.1kb.