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HA-Ubiquitin Notes

Addgene Diagnostic Digest

This gel depicts the NEB 1kb ladder and a digestion of the plasmid HA-Ubiquitin with the following enzyme: BamHI/EcoRI double digest

We expected the following band sizes for this digest: 5446 and 236bp. We see the expected pattern.

Addgene Diagnostic Digest

This gel depicts the NEB 1kb ladder and a digestion of the plasmid HA-Ubiquitin with the following enzymes: EcoRI-HF.

Expected Bands
EcoRI-HF: 5.6 kb

We observe the expected bands for this digest.

Addgene Diagnostic Digest

This gel depicts the NEB 1kb ladder and a digestion of the plasmid HA-Ubiquitin with the following enzyme(s): ScaI-HF.

Expected bands:
ScaI-HF - 5671 bp

We observed the expected band for this digest.