Guigo Lab BLaER1 pgRNA Library
(Pooled Library #183825)
The BLaER1 pgRNA CRISPR library is a CRISPR-Cas9 library to target lncRNAs and protein-coding genes with a potential role in B cell-to-macrophage transdifferentiation. It can be a resource to perform knockout screens in other models, such as macrophage differentiation.
Vector Backbone
pDECKO_mCherry (Plasmid #78534) - does not express Cas9
Depositing Labs
Item | Catalog # | Description | Quantity | Price (USD) | ||
Pooled Library | 183825 | BLaER1 pgRNA CRISPR library† | 1 | $430 | Add to Cart |
Library Details
Genes targeted166 lncRNAs; 874 protein-coding genes (10 pgRNA per lncRNA or protein-coding gene)
Controls4 positive controls plus pgRNAs against EGFP, mCherry and tdTomato (50 pgRNAs each); 100 negative controls (10 pgRNAs each)
Lentiviral Generation3rd
Library Shipping
This library is delivered as suspended DNA in a microcentrifuge tube on blue ice. The tube's contents will not necessarily be frozen. For best results, minimize freeze/thaws.
Volume∼25 µL
Concentration40 ng/µL
Resource Information
Depositor Data
Terms and Licenses
Academic/Nonprofit TermsIndustry Terms- Not Available to Industry
Trademarks- Zeocin® is an InvivoGen trademark.
Depositor Comments

Figure 1: pgRNA Library schematic. (A) Workflow of the CRISPR screening experiment. The plasmid library is transfected into HeK293T cells to obtain a library of lentivirus. BLaER1-Cas9 cells are infected and selected with antibiotics, then induced for transdifferentiation into macrophages (3 or 6 days). Cells are labeled with antibodies against cell surface markers: CD19 (for B-lymphocytes) and Mac-1 (for macrophages). Transdifferentiation status is assessed and cell populations are isolated by Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). (B) Scheme of pDECKO_mCherry plasmid and PCR amplification. H1 and U6 promoters drive the expression of the two gRNAs. In the first PCR step, staggered primers anneal to the U6 promoter and to the pDECKO backbone. In the second PCR step, primers containing the sample barcode and P5/P7 sequences for sequencing are added. (C) Position of pgRNAs targeting lncRNAs (targeting the promoter and the transcription start site) and protein-coding genes (targeting exons). (D) Library composition (number of targets of each biotype and pgRNA pairs designed per target). Figure adapted from Arnan and Ullrich et al. 2022 under the Creative Commons Attribution License (Link opens in a new window).
For more details on protocols and analysis, please see the publication (Arnan and Ullrich et al. 2022 (Link opens in a new window)) or the preprint on bioRxiv (Link opens in a new window).
These pooled libraries were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the plasmids were described, and include Addgene in the Materials and Methods of your future publications.
For your Materials & Methods section:
BLaER1 pgRNA Library was a gift from Roderic Guigo (Addgene #183825 ; ; RRID:Addgene_183825) -
For your References section:
Paired guide RNA CRISPR-Cas9 screening for protein-coding genes and lncRNAs involved in transdifferentiation of human B-cells to macrophages. Arnan C, Ullrich S, Pulido-Quetglas C, Nurtdinov R, Esteban A, Blanco-Fernandez J, Aparicio-Prat E, Johnson R, Pérez-Lluch S, Guigó R. BMC Genomics. 2022 May 26;23(1):402. doi: 10.1186/s12864-022-08612-7. PubMed 35619054 (Link opens in a new window).