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FLAG-SENP6 Citations (7)

Originally described in: Regulation of DNA repair through deSUMOylation and SUMOylation of replication protein A complex.
Dou H, Huang C, Singh M, Carpenter PB, Yeh ET Mol Cell. 2010 Aug 13. 39(3):333-45.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing FLAG-SENP6

Starvation promotes REV1 SUMOylation and p53-dependent sensitization of melanoma and breast cancer cells. Shim HS, Wei M, Brandhorst S, Longo VD. Cancer Res. 2015 Mar 15;75(6):1056-67. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-14-2249. Epub 2015 Jan 22. PubMed
SUMOylation and Ubiquitylation Circuitry Controls Pregnane X Receptor Biology in Hepatocytes. Cui W, Sun M, Galeva N, Williams TD, Azuma Y, Staudinger JL. Drug Metab Dispos. 2015 Sep;43(9):1316-25. doi: 10.1124/dmd.115.065201. Epub 2015 Jun 10. PubMed
Rad18-dependent SUMOylation of human specialized DNA polymerase eta is required to prevent under-replicated DNA. Despras E, Sittewelle M, Pouvelle C, Delrieu N, Cordonnier AM, Kannouche PL. Nat Commun. 2016 Nov 4;7:13326. doi: 10.1038/ncomms13326. PubMed
PP2A-B' holoenzyme substrate recognition, regulation and role in cytokinesis. Wu CG, Chen H, Guo F, Yadav VK, Mcilwain SJ, Rowse M, Choudhary A, Lin Z, Li Y, Gu T, Zheng A, Xu Q, Lee W, Resch E, Johnson B, Day J, Ge Y, Ong IM, Burkard ME, Ivarsson Y, Xing Y. Cell Discov. 2017 Aug 8;3:17027. doi: 10.1038/celldisc.2017.27. eCollection 2017. PubMed
Functional Insights into ANP32A-Dependent Influenza A Virus Polymerase Host Restriction. Domingues P, Hale BG. Cell Rep. 2017 Sep 12;20(11):2538-2546. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.08.061. PubMed
Regulation of the Expression of DAPK1 by SUMO Pathway. Wang Q, Zhang X, Chen L, Weng S, Xia Y, Ye Y, Li K, Liao Z, Chen P, Alsamman K, Meng C, Stevens C, Hupp TR, Lin Y. Biomolecules. 2019 Apr 17;9(4). pii: biom9040151. doi: 10.3390/biom9040151. PubMed
SUMOylation controls Hu antigen R posttranscriptional activity in liver cancer. Lachiondo-Ortega S, Rejano-Gordillo CM, Simon J, Lopitz-Otsoa F, C Delgado T, Mazan-Mamczarz K, Goikoetxea-Usandizaga N, Zapata-Pavas LE, Garcia-Del Rio A, Guerra P, Pena-Sanfelix P, Herman-Sanchez N, Al-Abdulla R, Fernandez-Rodriguez C, Azkargorta M, Velazquez-Cruz A, Guyon J, Martin C, Zalamea JD, Egia-Mendikute L, Sanz-Parra A, Serrano-Macia M, Gonzalez-Recio I, Gonzalez-Lopez M, Martinez-Cruz LA, Pontisso P, Aransay AM, Barrio R, Sutherland JD, Abrescia NGA, Elortza F, Lujambio A, Banales JM, Luque RM, Gahete MD, Palazon A, Avila MA, G Marin JJ, De S, Daubon T, Diaz-Quintana A, Diaz-Moreno I, Gorospe M, Rodriguez MS, Martinez-Chantar ML. Cell Rep. 2024 Mar 26;43(3):113924. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.113924. Epub 2024 Mar 18. PubMed

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