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GST-FOXO3a WT Citations (4)

Originally described in: Akt promotes cell survival by phosphorylating and inhibiting a Forkhead transcription factor.
Brunet A, Bonni A, Zigmond MJ, Lin MZ, Juo P, Hu LS, Anderson MJ, Arden KC, Blenis J, Greenberg ME Cell 1999 Mar 19;96(6):857-68.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing GST-FOXO3a WT

O-GlcNAc regulates FoxO activation in response to glucose. Housley MP, Rodgers JT, Udeshi ND, Kelly TJ, Shabanowitz J, Hunt DF, Puigserver P, Hart GW. J Biol Chem. 2008 Jun 13. 283(24):16283-92. PubMed
A PGC-1alpha-O-GlcNAc transferase complex regulates FoxO transcription factor activity in response to glucose. Housley MP, Udeshi ND, Rodgers JT, Shabanowitz J, Puigserver P, Hunt DF, Hart GW. J Biol Chem. 2009 Feb 20. 284(8):5148-57. PubMed
Methyltransferase PRMT1 is a binding partner of HBx and a negative regulator of hepatitis B virus transcription. Benhenda S, Ducroux A, Riviere L, Sobhian B, Ward MD, Dion S, Hantz O, Protzer U, Michel ML, Benkirane M, Semmes OJ, Buendia MA, Neuveut C. J Virol. 2013 Apr;87(8):4360-71. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02574-12. Epub 2013 Feb 6. PubMed
Blockade of the Interaction of Calcineurin with FOXO in Astrocytes Protects Against Amyloid-beta-Induced Neuronal Death. Fernandez AM, Hervas R, Dominguez-Fraile M, Garrido VN, Gomez-Gutierrez P, Vega M, Vitorica J, Perez JJ, Torres Aleman I. J Alzheimers Dis. 2016 Apr 12;52(4):1471-8. doi: 10.3233/JAD-160149. PubMed

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