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TLCV2-APOBEC1-YTHmut Citations (1)

Originally described in: scDART-seq reveals distinct m(6)A signatures and mRNA methylation heterogeneity in single cells.
Tegowski M, Flamand MN, Meyer KD Mol Cell. 2022 Feb 17;82(4):868-878.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.12.038. Epub 2022 Jan 25.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing TLCV2-APOBEC1-YTHmut

In situ visualization of m6A sites in cellular mRNAs. Sheehan CJ, Marayati BF, Bhatia J, Meyer KD. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023 Nov 10;51(20):e101. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad787. PubMed

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