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pBABE-neo Citations (20)

Originally described in: Advanced mammalian gene transfer: high titre retroviral vectors with multiple drug selection markers and a complementary helper-free packaging cell line.
Morgenstern JP, Land H Nucleic Acids Res. 1990 Jun 25;18(12):3587-96.

Articles Citing pBABE-neo

Novel isolation and biochemical characterization of immortalized fibroblasts for tissue engineering vocal fold lamina propria. Chen X, Thibeault SL. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2009 Jun;15(2):201-12. doi: 10.1089/ten.tec.2008.0390. PubMed
Genetic and genomic analyses of RNA polymerase II-pausing factor in regulation of mammalian transcription and cell growth. Sun J, Pan H, Lei C, Yuan B, Nair SJ, April C, Parameswaran B, Klotzle B, Fan JB, Ruan J, Li R. J Biol Chem. 2011 Oct 21;286(42):36248-57. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.269167. Epub 2011 Aug 24. PubMed
Creation and validation of a ligation-independent cloning (LIC) retroviral vector for stable gene transduction in mammalian cells. Patel A, Munoz A, Halvorsen K, Rai P. BMC Biotechnol. 2012 Jan 16;12:3. doi: 10.1186/1472-6750-12-3. PubMed

Associated Plasmids

The deubiquitinase USP9X suppresses pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Perez-Mancera PA, Rust AG, van der Weyden L, Kristiansen G, Li A, Sarver AL, Silverstein KA, Grutzmann R, Aust D, Rummele P, Knosel T, Herd C, Stemple DL, Kettleborough R, Brosnan JA, Li A, Morgan R, Knight S, Yu J, Stegeman S, Collier LS, ten Hoeve JJ, de Ridder J, Klein AP, Goggins M, Hruban RH, Chang DK, Biankin AV, Grimmond SM, Wessels LF, Wood SA, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Pilarsky C, Largaespada DA, Adams DJ, Tuveson DA. Nature. 2012 Apr 29;486(7402):266-70. doi: 10.1038/nature11114. PubMed
Transformation of human ovarian surface epithelial cells by Kruppel-like factor 8. Lu H, Wang X, Urvalek AM, Li T, Xie H, Yu L, Zhao J. Oncogene. 2014 Jan 2;33(1):10-8. doi: 10.1038/onc.2012.545. Epub 2012 Dec 10. PubMed
Kruppel-like factor 8 promotes tumorigenic mammary stem cell induction by targeting miR-146a. Wang X, Lu H, Li T, Yu L, Liu G, Peng X, Zhao J. Am J Cancer Res. 2013 Aug 14;3(4):356-73. eCollection 2013. PubMed
Translational Initiation at a Non-AUG Start Codon for Human and Mouse Negative Elongation Factor-B. Pan H, Zhao X, Zhang X, Abouelsoud M, Sun J, April C, Amleh A, Fan JB, Hu Y, Li R. PLoS One. 2015 May 26;10(5):e0127422. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127422. eCollection 2015. PubMed
Hedgehog and retinoid signaling alters multiple myeloma microenvironment and generates bortezomib resistance. Alonso S, Hernandez D, Chang YT, Gocke CB, McCray M, Varadhan R, Matsui WH, Jones RJ, Ghiaur G. J Clin Invest. 2016 Dec 1;126(12):4460-4468. doi: 10.1172/JCI88152. Epub 2016 Oct 24. PubMed
Destabilization of the TWIST1/E12 complex dimerization following the R154P point-mutation of TWIST1: an in silico approach. Bouard C, Terreux R, Tissier A, Jacqueroud L, Vigneron A, Ansieau S, Puisieux A, Payen L. BMC Struct Biol. 2017 May 18;17(1):6. doi: 10.1186/s12900-017-0076-x. PubMed
Gastrointestinal cancer cells treatment with bevacizumab activates a VEGF autoregulatory mechanism involving telomerase catalytic subunit hTERT via PI3K-AKT, HIF-1alpha and VEGF receptors. Mahfouz N, Tahtouh R, Alaaeddine N, El Hajj J, Sarkis R, Hachem R, Raad I, Hilal G. PLoS One. 2017 Jun 8;12(6):e0179202. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179202. eCollection 2017. PubMed
A small molecule screen to identify regulators of let-7 targets. Cinkornpumin J, Roos M, Nguyen L, Liu X, Gaeta X, Lin S, Chan DN, Liu A, Gregory RI, Jung M, Chute J, Zhu H, Lowry WE. Sci Rep. 2017 Nov 21;7(1):15973. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-16258-9. PubMed
Metabolic regulation of transcription through compartmentalized NAD(+) biosynthesis. Ryu KW, Nandu T, Kim J, Challa S, DeBerardinis RJ, Kraus WL. Science. 2018 May 11;360(6389). pii: 360/6389/eaan5780. doi: 10.1126/science.aan5780. PubMed
IKappaKappaepsilon cooperates with either MEK or non-canonical NF-kB driving growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells in different contexts. House CD, Grajales V, Ozaki M, Jordan E, Wubneh H, Kimble DC, James JM, Kim MK, Annunziata CM. BMC Cancer. 2018 May 25;18(1):595. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4507-2. PubMed
C-terminal BRE inhibits cellular proliferation and increases sensitivity to chemotherapeutic drugs of MLL-AF9 acute myeloid leukemia cells. Pun CC, Lee KK, Chui YL. Leuk Lymphoma. 2019 May 21:1-9. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2019.1616184. PubMed
PI3Kalpha inhibitors sensitize esophageal squamous cell carcinoma to radiation by abrogating survival signals in tumor cells and tumor microenvironment. Shi JJ, Xing H, Wang YX, Zhang X, Zhan QM, Geng MY, Ding J, Meng LH. Cancer Lett. 2019 Sep 10;459:145-155. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2019.05.040. Epub 2019 Jun 4. PubMed
Glucose restriction combined with chemotherapy decreases telomere length and cancer antigen-125 secretion in ovarian carcinoma. Antoun S, Atallah D, Tahtouh R, Assaf MD, Moubarak M, Ayoub EN, Chahine G, Hilal G. Oncol Lett. 2020 Feb;19(2):1338-1350. doi: 10.3892/ol.2019.11233. Epub 2019 Dec 20. PubMed
Laser Micro-Irradiation to Study DNA Recruitment During S Phase. Miwatani-Minter B, Rona G. J Vis Exp. 2021 Apr 16;(170). doi: 10.3791/62466. PubMed
NSD2 dimethylation at H3K36 promotes lung adenocarcinoma pathogenesis. Sengupta D, Zeng L, Li Y, Hausmann S, Ghosh D, Yuan G, Nguyen TN, Lyu R, Caporicci M, Morales Benitez A, Coles GL, Kharchenko V, Czaban I, Azhibek D, Fischle W, Jaremko M, Wistuba II, Sage J, Jaremko L, Li W, Mazur PK, Gozani O. Mol Cell. 2021 Nov 4;81(21):4481-4492.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.08.034. Epub 2021 Sep 22. PubMed
TGFBR3 supports anoikis through suppressing ATF4 signaling. Hsu YJ, Yin YJ, Tsai KF, Jian CC, Liang ZW, Hsu CY, Wang CC. J Cell Sci. 2022 Sep 1;135(17):jcs258396. doi: 10.1242/jcs.258396. Epub 2022 Aug 30. PubMed
All-trans-retinoic acid modulates glycolysis via H19 and telomerase: the role of mir-let-7a in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells. El Habre R, Aoun R, Tahtouh R, Hilal G. BMC Cancer. 2024 May 21;24(1):615. doi: 10.1186/s12885-024-12379-3. PubMed

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