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EF.CMV.RFP Citations (14)

Originally described in: Lentiviral vectors with two independent internal promoters transfer high-level expression of multiple transgenes to human hematopoietic stem-progenitor cells.
Yu X, Zhan X, D'Costa J, Tanavde VM, Ye Z, Peng T, Malehorn MT, Yang X, Civin CI, Cheng L Mol Ther. 2003 Jun . 7(6):827-38.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing EF.CMV.RFP

Notch pathway targets proangiogenic regulator Sox17 to restrict angiogenesis. Lee SH, Lee S, Yang H, Song S, Kim K, Saunders TL, Yoon JK, Koh GY, Kim I. Circ Res. 2014 Jul 7;115(2):215-26. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.115.303142. Epub 2014 Apr 22. PubMed
RNA-binding proteins regulate the expression of the immune activating ligand MICB. Nachmani D, Gutschner T, Reches A, Diederichs S, Mandelboim O. Nat Commun. 2014 Jun 13;5:4186. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5186. PubMed
Selective cell targeting and lineage tracing of human induced pluripotent stem cells using recombinant avian retroviruses. Hildebrand L, Seemann P, Kurtz A, Hecht J, Contzen J, Gossen M, Stachelscheid H. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2015 Jun 25. PubMed
Ethanol Exposure Regulates Gabra1 Expression via Histone Deacetylation at the Promoter in Cultured Cortical Neurons. Bohnsack JP, Patel VK, Morrow AL. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2017 Oct;363(1):1-11. doi: 10.1124/jpet.117.242446. Epub 2017 Aug 10. PubMed
The ATPase activity of Asna1/TRC40 is required for pancreatic progenitor cell survival. Norlin S, Parekh V, Edlund H. Development. 2018 Jan 3;145(1). pii: dev.154468. doi: 10.1242/dev.154468. PubMed
GWAS for Interleukin-1beta levels in gingival crevicular fluid identifies IL37 variants in periodontal inflammation. Offenbacher S, Jiao Y, Kim SJ, Marchesan J, Moss KL, Jing L, Divaris K, Bencharit S, Agler CS, Morelli T, Zhang S, Sun L, Seaman WT, Cowley D, Barros SP, Beck JD, Munz M, Schaefer AS, North KE. Nat Commun. 2018 Sep 11;9(1):3686. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05940-9. PubMed
Functional analysis of the secondary HIV-1 capsid binding site in the host protein cyclophilin A. Peng W, Shi J, Marquez CL, Lau D, Walsh J, Faysal KMR, Byeon CH, Byeon IL, Aiken C, Bocking T. Retrovirology. 2019 Apr 4;16(1):10. doi: 10.1186/s12977-019-0471-4. PubMed
Germline NPM1 mutations lead to altered rRNA 2'-O-methylation and cause dyskeratosis congenita. Nachmani D, Bothmer AH, Grisendi S, Mele A, Bothmer D, Lee JD, Monteleone E, Cheng K, Zhang Y, Bester AC, Guzzetti A, Mitchell CA, Mendez LM, Pozdnyakova O, Sportoletti P, Martelli MP, Vulliamy TJ, Safra M, Schwartz S, Luzzatto L, Bluteau O, Soulier J, Darnell RB, Falini B, Dokal I, Ito K, Clohessy JG, Pandolfi PP. Nat Genet. 2019 Oct;51(10):1518-1529. doi: 10.1038/s41588-019-0502-z. Epub 2019 Sep 30. PubMed
KAT3-dependent acetylation of cell type-specific genes maintains neuronal identity in the adult mouse brain. Lipinski M, Munoz-Viana R, Del Blanco B, Marquez-Galera A, Medrano-Relinque J, Carames JM, Szczepankiewicz AA, Fernandez-Albert J, Navarron CM, Olivares R, Wilczynski GM, Canals S, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A. Nat Commun. 2020 May 22;11(1):2588. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16246-0. PubMed
Oligodendrocyte differentiation alters tRNA modifications and codon optimality-mediated mRNA decay. Martin S, Allan KC, Pinkard O, Sweet T, Tesar PJ, Coller J. Nat Commun. 2022 Aug 25;13(1):5003. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32766-3. PubMed
CBP and p300 Jointly Maintain Neural Progenitor Viability but Play Unique Roles in the Differentiation of Neural Lineages. Gonzalez-Martinez R, Marquez-Galera A, Del Blanco B, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A, Herrera E. Cells. 2022 Dec 18;11(24):4118. doi: 10.3390/cells11244118. PubMed
HAPLN1 potentiates peritoneal metastasis in pancreatic cancer. Wiedmann L, De Angelis Rigotti F, Vaquero-Siguero N, Donato E, Espinet E, Moll I, Alsina-Sanchis E, Bohnenberger H, Fernandez-Florido E, Mulfarth R, Vacca M, Gerwing J, Conradi LC, Strobel P, Trumpp A, Mogler C, Fischer A, Rodriguez-Vita J. Nat Commun. 2023 Apr 24;14(1):2353. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-38064-w. PubMed
Decreased fucosylation impacts epithelial integrity and increases risk for COPD. Swaby C, Yeung-Luk B, Thapa S, Nishida K, Wally A, Ghosh B, Niederkofler A, Luk S, Girgis M, Keller A, Cortez C, Ramaswamy S, Wilmsen K, Bouche L, Dell A, Drummond MB, Putcha N, Haslam SM, Mathias R, Hansel NN, Sheng J, Sidhaye V. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Nov 2:2023.10.31.564805. doi: 10.1101/2023.10.31.564805. PubMed
Modeling blood-brain barrier formation and cerebral cavernous malformations in human PSC-derived organoids. Dao L, You Z, Lu L, Xu T, Sarkar AK, Zhu H, Liu M, Calandrelli R, Yoshida G, Lin P, Miao Y, Mierke S, Kalva S, Zhu H, Gu M, Vadivelu S, Zhong S, Huang LF, Guo Z. Cell Stem Cell. 2024 Jun 6;31(6):818-833.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2024.04.019. Epub 2024 May 15. PubMed

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