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pEGFP-N1-1x Citations (1)

Originally described in: A molecular beacon-based approach for live-cell imaging of RNA transcripts with minimal target engineering at the single-molecule level.
Chen M, Ma Z, Wu X, Mao S, Yang Y, Tan J, Krueger CJ, Chen AK Sci Rep. 2017 May 8;7(1):1550. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-01740-1.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pEGFP-N1-1x

Two rare variants that affect the same amino acid in CFTR have distinct responses to ivacaftor. Li H, Rodrat M, Al-Salmani MK, Veselu DF, Han ST, Raraigh KS, Cutting GR, Sheppard DN. J Physiol. 2024 Jan;602(2):333-354. doi: 10.1113/JP285727. Epub 2024 Jan 7. PubMed

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