PurposeExpresses mKate2 fused to full length TFAM in mammalian cells
Depositing Lab
Sequence Information
Item | Catalog # | Description | Quantity | Price (USD) | |
Plasmid | 167331 | Standard format: Plasmid sent in bacteria as agar stab | 1 | $85 |
Vector backbonepCDH-CMV-MCS
Backbone manufacturerAddgene
- Backbone size w/o insert (bp) 6227
- Total vector size (bp) 7662
Vector typeMammalian Expression, Lentiviral
Growth in Bacteria
Bacterial Resistance(s)Ampicillin, 100 μg/mL
Growth Temperature37°C
Growth Strain(s)NEB Stable
Copy numberHigh Copy
Gene/Insert nameTFAM
Alt nameMitochondrial transcription factor A
SpeciesH. sapiens (human)
GenBank IDNM_003201.3
Entrez GeneTFAM (a.k.a. MTDPS15, MTTF1, MTTFA, TCF6, TCF6L1, TCF6L2, TCF6L3)
- Promoter CMV
/ Fusion Protein
- mKate2 (C terminal on insert)
Cloning Information
- Cloning method Restriction Enzyme
- 5′ cloning site Xba (unknown if destroyed)
- 3′ cloning site EcoRI (unknown if destroyed)
- 5′ sequencing primer CGCAAATGGGCGGTAGGCGTG
- 3′ sequencing primer CATAGCGTAAAAGGAGCAACA (Common Sequencing Primers)
Resource Information
Supplemental Documents
A portion of this plasmid was derived from a plasmid made byApplied Biological Materials Inc. (abm)
Terms and Licenses
Academic/Nonprofit Terms
Industry Terms
- Not Available to Industry
- Zeocin® is an InvivoGen trademark.
Depositor Comments
The TFAM and mKate2 genes were initially obtained from the commercially available plasmid: pLenti-GIII-CMV-TFAM-RFP-2A-Puro. Please visit https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/822858v4 for BioRxiv preprint
These plasmids were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the plasmids were described, and include Addgene in the Materials and Methods of your future publications.
For your Materials & Methods section:
pCDH_CMV_TFAM_mKate2 was a gift from Tom Misteli (Addgene plasmid # 167331 ; http://n2t.net/addgene:167331 ; RRID:Addgene_167331) -
For your References section:
Self-assembly of multi-component mitochondrial nucleoids via phase separation. Feric M, Demarest TG, Tian J, Croteau DL, Bohr VA, Misteli T. EMBO J. 2021 Mar 15;40(6):e107165. doi: 10.15252/embj.2020107165. Epub 2021 Feb 23. 10.15252/embj.2020107165 PubMed 33619770