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t1-405 Citations (1)

Originally described in: The F1 loop of the talin head domain acts as a gatekeeper in integrin activation and clustering.
Kukkurainen S, Azizi L, Zhang P, Jacquier MC, Baikoghli M, von Essen M, Tuukkanen A, Laitaoja M, Liu X, Rahikainen R, Orlowski A, Janis J, Maatta JAE, Varjosalo M, Vattulainen I, Rog T, Svergun D, Cheng RH, Wu J, Hytonen VP, Wehrle-Haller B J Cell Sci. 2020 Oct 12;133(19). pii: 133/19/jcs239202. doi: 10.1242/jcs.239202.
PubMed Journal

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Ligand binding initiates single-molecule integrin conformational activation. Li J, Jo MH, Yan J, Hall T, Lee J, Lopez-Sanchez U, Yan S, Ha T, Springer TA. Cell. 2024 May 14:S0092-8674(24)00475-6. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.04.049. PubMed

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