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pBV-Luc wt MBS1-4 Citations (11)

Originally described in: Identification of CDK4 as a target of c-MYC.
Hermeking H, Rago C, Schuhmacher M, Li Q, Barrett JF, Obaya AJ, O'Connell BC, Mateyak MK, Tam W, Kohlhuber F, Dang CV, Sedivy JM, Eick D, Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Feb 29. 97(5):2229-34.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pBV-Luc wt MBS1-4

Declining NAD(+) induces a pseudohypoxic state disrupting nuclear-mitochondrial communication during aging. Gomes AP, Price NL, Ling AJ, Moslehi JJ, Montgomery MK, Rajman L, White JP, Teodoro JS, Wrann CD, Hubbard BP, Mercken EM, Palmeira CM, de Cabo R, Rolo AP, Turner N, Bell EL, Sinclair DA. Cell. 2013 Dec 19;155(7):1624-38. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2013.11.037. PubMed
RHOA inactivation enhances Wnt signalling and promotes colorectal cancer. Rodrigues P, Macaya I, Bazzocco S, Mazzolini R, Andretta E, Dopeso H, Mateo-Lozano S, Bilic J, Carton-Garcia F, Nieto R, Suarez-Lopez L, Afonso E, Landolfi S, Hernandez-Losa J, Kobayashi K, Ramon y Cajal S, Tabernero J, Tebbutt NC, Mariadason JM, Schwartz S Jr, Arango D. Nat Commun. 2014 Nov 21;5:5458. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6458. PubMed
Host Gene Expression Is Regulated by Two Types of Noncoding RNAs Transcribed from the Epstein-Barr Virus BamHI A Rightward Transcript Region. Marquitz AR, Mathur A, Edwards RH, Raab-Traub N. J Virol. 2015 Nov;89(22):11256-68. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01492-15. Epub 2015 Aug 26. PubMed
c-Myc is a novel target of cell cycle arrest by honokiol in prostate cancer cells. Hahm ER, Singh KB, Singh SV. Cell Cycle. 2016 Sep;15(17):2309-20. doi: 10.1080/15384101.2016.1201253. Epub 2016 Jun 24. PubMed
Stabilization of the c-Myc Protein by CAMKIIgamma Promotes T Cell Lymphoma. Gu Y, Zhang J, Ma X, Kim BW, Wang H, Li J, Pan Y, Xu Y, Ding L, Yang L, Guo C, Wu X, Wu J, Wu K, Gan X, Li G, Li L, Forman SJ, Chan WC, Xu R, Huang W. Cancer Cell. 2017 Jul 10;32(1):115-128.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2017.06.001. PubMed
A dock derived compound against laminin receptor (37 LR) exhibits anti-cancer properties in a prostate cancer cell line model. Umbaugh CS, Diaz-Quinones A, Neto MF, Shearer JJ, Figueiredo ML. Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 13;9(5):5958-5978. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.23236. eCollection 2018 Jan 19. PubMed
The splicing factor RBM25 controls MYC activity in acute myeloid leukemia. Ge Y, Schuster MB, Pundhir S, Rapin N, Bagger FO, Sidiropoulos N, Hashem N, Porse BT. Nat Commun. 2019 Jan 11;10(1):172. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-08076-y. PubMed
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Suppresses Type I and Type III Interferon Induction by Targeting RIG-I Signaling. Chang CY, Liu HM, Chang MF, Chang SC. J Virol. 2020 Jun 16;94(13). pii: JVI.00099-20. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00099-20. Print 2020 Jun 16. PubMed
Targeting KDM4B that coactivates c-Myc-regulated metabolism to suppress tumor growth in castration-resistant prostate cancer. Wu MJ, Chen CJ, Lin TY, Liu YY, Tseng LL, Cheng ML, Chuu CP, Tsai HK, Kuo WL, Kung HJ, Wang WC. Theranostics. 2021 Jun 26;11(16):7779-7796. doi: 10.7150/thno.58729. eCollection 2021. PubMed
PHF10 subunit of PBAF complex mediates transcriptional activation by MYC. Soshnikova NV, Tatarskiy EV, Tatarskiy VV, Klimenko NS, Shtil AA, Nikiforov MA, Georgieva SG. Oncogene. 2021 Oct;40(42):6071-6080. doi: 10.1038/s41388-021-01994-0. Epub 2021 Aug 31. PubMed
De novo pyrimidine synthesis fuels glycolysis and confers chemoresistance in gastric cancer. He D, Chen M, Chang L, Gu J, Liu F, Gao X, Ruan Y. Cancer Lett. 2022 Nov 28;549:215837. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2022.215837. Epub 2022 Jul 31. PubMed

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