AAVS1-Puro-CAG-fl-STOP-fl-ZEB2-GFP-Flag-WPRE-poly(A) Notes
Addgene Diagnostic Digest
This gel depicts the NEB 1kb extend ladder and a digestion of the plasmid AAVS1-Puro-CAG-fl-STOP-fl-ZEB2-GFP-Flag-WPREpoly(A) with the following enzymes: MluI-HF, NheI-HF, ScaI-HF, and KpnI-HF.
Expected bands:
MluI-HF/NheI-HF 10994 and 4199 bp
ScaI-HF/KpnI-HF 11685, 2398, and 1110 bp
We observed the expected bands for these digests.