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pcDNA3.1 Foxp1A Citations (2)

Originally described in: Foxp1 is an essential transcriptional regulator of B cell development.
Hu H, Wang B, Borde M, Nardone J, Maika S, Allred L, Tucker PW, Rao A Nat Immunol. 2006 Aug . 7(8):819-26.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pcDNA3.1 Foxp1A

FoxP1 is a transcriptional repressor associated with cancer cachexia that induces skeletal muscle wasting and weakness. Neyroud D, Nosacka RL, Callaway CS, Trevino JG, Hu H, Judge SM, Judge AR. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2021 Apr;12(2):421-442. doi: 10.1002/jcsm.12666. Epub 2021 Feb 1. PubMed
Production of human entorhinal stellate cell-like cells by forward programming shows an important role of Foxp1 in reprogramming. Bergmann T, Liu Y, Skov J, Mogus L, Lee J, Pfisterer U, Handfield LF, Asenjo-Martinez A, Lisa-Vargas I, Seemann SE, Lee JTH, Patikas N, Kornum BR, Denham M, Hyttel P, Witter MP, Gorodkin J, Pers TH, Hemberg M, Khodosevich K, Hall VJ. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Aug 15;10:976549. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.976549. eCollection 2022. PubMed

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